Humidity in Athens Greece
The yearly averages for humidity levels are listed below for cities and islands across Greece.
Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold. The numbers here are based on weather data collected over several decades.
You can jump to a separate table for each section of the country:, , , as well as, and .
Aegean Islands
Average annual humidityPlace | |
Limnos | 70 |
Milos | 68 |
Mytilini | 65 |
Naxos | 72 |
Rhodes (Rodos) | 66 |
Samos | 60 |
Annual relative humidity averagesChania | |
Heraklion | 63 |
Ierapetra | |
Rethymno | |
Sitia | |
Tympaki | 64 |
Average daily humidityAstros | 62 |
Kalamata | |
Kythira | |
Methoni | 73 |
Pyrgela | 67 |
Tripoli | |
Velo |
Western Greece
These weather data are for places in the Ionian Islands and Western Hellas peripheries.
Annual relative humidityAgrinio | |
Araxos | 69 |
Argostoli | |
Kerkyra | 71 |
Patras | |
Pyrgos | |
Zakinthos |
Central Greece
The cities listed here are in the Attica, Epirus, Sterea Hellas and Thessaly peripheries.
Average yearly humidity levelsAliartos | |
Arta | |
Athens | |
Elefsina | |
Ioannina | |
Lamia | |
Larissa | |
Nea Filadelfia | 61 |
Skyros | |
Tanagra | |
Tatoi | |
Volos |
Northern Greece
This section covers the peripheries of West, Central and East Macedonia and Thrace.
Relative humidity averages for the yearAlexandroupoli |
Florina |
Kavala |
Kozani |
Serres |
Thessaloniki |
Trikala |